Monthly Archives: May 2017

Interesting Question of the Day – 15 May 2017

If he were to swim at his personal best pace for the 400m freestyle, how long would it take Ian Thorpe to swim from Australia to New Zealand?

In case you want to clarify, we will assume that he swims on a straight line from Bondi Beach in Sydney to Manukau Heads in Auckland, and doesn’t get put off course by currents or attacked by sharks or have to stop for meals.  (Yes, we know this is wildly impractical.  We also don’t care.)

The first new player to comment on the website with the correct answer within 1 day wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia show.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 14 May 2017

Recently someone asked one of our hosts what they did for a living.

The answer… “I start arguments in bars.”

This week we want you to explain your job… badly.

Bartender: I give people mild poisons.

IT: I help people turn it off and turn it on again.

Waiter: I put dead animal parts on a plate and bring them to strangers.

Surgeon: I cut people open and take out bits they don’t need.

If your team name is a bad description of your job you will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 13 May 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.

The not so curious case of Benjamin Button – Baby grows up, leads an average, boring life, and dies of old age.

Harry Potter: Wizard gets told he’s not a wizard and gets shoved into a cupboard.

Losing Nemo


We had plenty of movies in reverse this week.

The Blind Side: A woman becomes annoyed with her adopted son’s inept football playing and abandons him on the side of the road.

Alice in Wonderland: A girl comes down off a wicked acid trip.

It: Sewage clown revives children.

The Jungle Book: Pedo Bear steals boy from village and leaves him to the wolves.

Legally Blonde: A successful lawyer becomes a bimbo.

Finding Nemo: A dad ditches his son and loses friends along the way.

Memento: Same movie.

Weekend at Bernie’s: Guys leave a beach party, go back to work, and their boss comes back to life.

Beauty and the Beast: Lady marries rich hunk, he lets himself go.

Benjamin Button: A baby is born, grows old, and dies in a vagina.

Grease: Slutty Aussie chick becomes girl next door.

Die Hard: German architects rebuild Japanese office tower and send John McClane on a plane trip tearing his family apart.


Dirty Clown

German German

Funky Chef

Insomniac Gnome


Beginning with the letter O and with six letters, “Orange” is a suburb of Sydney.

Jack Dawson recovered from the sinking of the Titanic to take the place of John F. Kennedy on PT 109 in WWII.

The team who answered “a failed person from the Apprentice” rather than saying “Donald Trump.”


The very blonde woman who accidentally gave a Hitler salute when answering a lightning round question.

The Maltese woman who got a question on Malta wrong.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

Interesting Question of the Day – 8 May 2017

In a 2016 survey, which of the following groups of Australian women were most likely and which were least likely to agree with the following statement?

“I really love to watch The Bachelor.”

Married women, women in defacto relationships, engaged women, or single women.

The first new player to comment on the website with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia show.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 7 May 2017

Watching a movie the way it’s meant to be watched? Bah!

This week we want you to watch a movie backwards.

If your team name is the plot of a movie shown in reverse, you will get a bonus point.

Superman: A caped superhero kidnaps people and flies them into life threatening situations.

Titanic: A submarine surfaces and saves drowning people. In the end, Leonardo DiCaprio loses a card game.

127 Hours: A one armed man finds a severed arm and attaches it.

Saving Private Ryan: A bunch of soldiers ditch Matt Damon and then leave France.

Armageddon: A group of astronauts build an asteroid in space, then watch it fly away.

The Shawshank Redemption: A man drives from Mexico to break into prison through a sewer pipe.

Ghostbusters: A group of hotheads go around releasing ghosts to terrify people.

Cinderella: An uppity woman learns her place.

Godzilla: A giant lizard rebuilds Japan then moonwalks into the sea.

Any film plot in reverse will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 6 May 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.

Time flies when you can have your cake and eat it too.

Whatever doesn’t kill me, killed the cat.

Time is the root of all evil.

Fortune favours the bird in the hand.


There are times when you come in a distant last place, and STILL manage to win everyone else’s money in the jackpot round.


Plenty of new proverbs were created.

A bird in the hand never boils.

Two wrongs don’t build a Rome.

Killing two birds with one rolling stone.

Birds of a feather throw stones at glass houses.

If you can’t beat ’em, throw stones.

Add insult to a piece of injury pie and eat it too.

A bird in the hand is worth a penny for your thoughts.

You can beat a dead horse but you can’t make it drink.

People in glass houses shouldn’t cry me a river.

A bird in the hand spoils the broth.

New York, the City of Angels.

Worth every penny for your thoughts.

Sticks and stone may break my glass house

Happiness doesn’t grow on trees.

You can’t put all your eggs in a glass house.

You can lead a horse to water and eat it too.


Aggressive Pig

Dirty Corn

Depressing Year

Apologetic Lamp

Skipping Hat


Arguing that one of the holiest sites for Jews is the Whaling Wall.

The name for a moebius strip is failed origami.

The team who claimed that the surname Baxter is associated with chiropractors because they crack “bax.”

Saying that Rocky fought Anthony Mundine.  (An obnoxious blowhard who never shuts up.)


The guy who was so enthused by knowing the answer to something that he injured one of his teammates reaching for the pen.


Asking if it’s cheating to use your calculator on a math question. Of COURSE it’s cheating! And it only took you ten seconds anyway!

Saying “well 100m was a longer distance 100 years ago.”

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.