Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 1 May 2016

You may remember the Boaty McBoatface Saga which involved the British Government running an internet contest to name their new research ship, and getting the name Boaty McBoatface as a clear winner.

They decided against calling it that, but now it seems that the Australian government hasn’t learned that if you ask the internet to name something, they are going to come up with something silly.

iQ Trivia likes to help out in these situations, so we want you to give the government a hand.  If your team name is a suggested name for Australia’s promised icebreaker, you will get a bonus point.

australia icebreaker trivia

Ice Ice Boaty

HMAS Do You Come Here Often

Ice To Meet You

SS The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway

Any of these will get you a bonus point.