This Week in iQ Trivia – 15 April 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.

Abraham Lincoln: Scores 4 in 7 years

Lady Godiva: Swipe Right if you like my outfit. Swipe Left if your name is Tom.

Adolf Hitler: Always Swipes Reich

Bagpuss Age 12: We already did this in TriviArt

Karl Marx: Let’s seize the means of reproduction

Jesus: Don’t expect a second coming


A lot of the jackpot was their own money, but they won it all back and then some knowing about English football grounds.

These guys took home nearly $400 for knowing about early 90s literature.

And someone in this group finally found a use for their University of Woolongong degree.


Historical people on Tinder? You came through.

Jack the Ripper – I just want to get to know you inside and out

JFK: Take a shot at me

Jesus – Wanna get nailed?

Joan of Arc: Burn me and I’ll burn your Siege of Paris

Noah – Two is a party

Moses: I’ll burn your bush

Albert Einstein – Spacetime isn’t the only thing that’s curved

Reichmarschall Göring – Swipe right and I will luft you waffe your feet

Marilyn Monroe: Roses are red, violets are blue, if you want me to lift my dress, swipe right too

Martin Luther King: I had a dream… and it was racy

Shakespeare – I’m good with words but you should see my magic marker

Henry VIII: Six times married divorcee seeks new love. Have you got the neck for it? Hurry up and swipe right. Chop chop.


Hungry Bicycle

Disgusting Green Tree Frog

Bouncing Balls

Belarusian Banana

Fat Ball

Sneaky Polar Bear


The team who when asked for an example of onomatopoeia, gave an example of onomatopoeia in Hindi. (Seeing as we weren’t in a position to dispute them, we took their word for it.)

The claim that along with Harold Holt, Natalie Wood, Jeff Buckley, Percy Shelley, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Nazi doctor Joseph Mengele were all picked up by Chinese submarines after being lost at sea.

The claim that New Zealand Post would soon start delivering vowels phonetically pronounced.


The team who thought Queen Victoria was Asian.

The following statement. “You have to ask that pasta question again. Our Italian guy was in the toilet.”

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.