This Week in iQ Trivia – 8 July 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


This team won with an iQ Trivia record high 78 points.


You came up with a lot of new movie titles by adding the letter R.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stoner

The Beer Movie

Mad Marx

Pulp Friction

The Boner Collector

Pray it Forward

The Crying Gamer

Ice Rage

The Silencer of the Lambs


Planet of the Rapes

Beauty and the Breast

Fantastic Breasts and Where to Find Them


Feisty Hoe

Turgid Arachnophobe

Racist A

Hairy Airplane

Wallowing Dog

Dead Car


Answering that chocolate is black rather than brown.

Mixing up Apocalypse Now and Acropolis Now.

Finding out that a regular team was sufficiently inspired by a Brooklyn 99 question that the whole team binge watched the entire series.

The team who got a question on Indian food by buying a drink for an Indian patron.

Answering “whiskey” when whiskey is not on of the four options given.

Referring to Gary Oldman as “the British guy who was in that Dracula movie.”

Referring to Michael Caine as “the old guy from Miss Congeniality.”


See you next week for more iQ Trivia.