Monthly Archives: July 2015

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 12 July 2015

You may have heard the story that Frances Abbott’s portrait of her father has been entered into the running for the Archibald Prize after the deadline had already passed in a stunning display of nepotism.

You may also have heard that they story isn’t true, and was featured on a website that runs fake news.

This week, you will get a bonus point if your team name is an obviously fake news story that people would still believe.

Examples include:

Dawn Fraser calls for ban on hummus.

NSW Parliament introduces legislation to ban State of Origin.

Q & A announces all terrorist panel to be moderated by head of ISIS.

Anything that people would share on social media without checking whether or not it’s true will get you a bonus point.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 5 July 2015

This week we are going to get religious (or sacrilegious if you prefer.)

There are plenty of unusual patron saints out there, but we want you to come up with more.

If your team name is a suggestion for a new patron saint, you will get a bonus point.

Examples include: St Drainius – Patron Saint of Smartphone Batteries

St Chitchatteria – Patron Saint of Awkward Small Talk.

St Whatsthatguysname – Patron Saint of Not Being Able to Remember Someone’s Name.

St Internetia – Patron Saint of Annoyingly Slow Wi-Fi.

May St Isidore of Seville be with you this week.