Monthly Archives: July 2017

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 16 July 2017

Imagine this.

You’ve been given the power to make something illegal. What do you choose?

Tagging your friends when they look terrible in a Facebook photo.

Putting any kind of traffic sound in a radio ad.

Parking a motorcycle in a regular parking space and creating a parking mirage.

Passive aggressive Facebook posts.

Not flushing a public toilet after using it.

If you make your team name something that you would make illegal if you could, you will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 15 July 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


These four were able to accurately estimate the number of time the word “Barbie” is said in the song Barbie Girl, and it won them cash.

And these guys missed out on the jackpot by misspelling “Kabuki” last week, but won it this week for knowing about the half life of Carbon 14. They also came first in the main quiz.


If I had a dollar for every time someone made a Jerry Maguire Reference, I’d show them the money.

If I had a dollar for every time we had to come up with a trivia team name I could afford to pay someone to come up with our team name.

If I had a dollar for every time Joe mispronounced a foreign word I’d buy Trump Tower.

If I had a dollar for every time someone cut me off in traffic, I’d have enough money for therapy.

If I had a dollar for every time someone recognised me from Tinder.

If I had a dollar for every trivia question I got wrong I wouldn’t care about losing at trivia.

If I had a dollar for every time I forgot my wallet, I’d be able to afford a back up wallet.

If I had a dollar I’d have a dollar.

If I had a dollar for every time I got a dollar, I would have infinite money.

If I had a dollar I’d have 60 Euro cents.

If I had a dollar for every point that this team name gets me I’d have $1.

If I had a dollar for every time the Quizmaster pressured me to have a team name tonight I’d had one dollar.

If I had a dollar for every time I saw a house under construction in Sydney, I still couldn’t afford a house in Sydney.

and finally… If I had a dollar for every time this quiz was uninteresting I’d have $0.


Anti-Semitic Beer

Delightful Banana – Warning – NSFW

Parsimonious Squidward

Arrogant Hatstand

Horsey Porridge

Vibrating Microphone


Not answering “Russia” when asked about countries with the most Russian speakers.

The team who illustrated all of their answers.

The only team made up entirely of men being the only ones to get a bonus question about tampons.

And finally…

At one point we asked to the nearest million, how many people in Australia had both parents born in Australia according to the latest Census.

The answer, for anyone who cares, is 11 million.

One guy got very agitated, because, as he put it, if there are 11 million people with two parents born in Australia, that means 22 million parents, which adds up to 33 million people, and that’s more than the population of Australia.

We tried explaining it to him. You know, explaining how logic and numbers work, but we gave up. His friends tried explaining it too, but nobody could seem to convince him.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

Meet Your Hosts – Ilya Popov

Ilya hails from the Soviet Union, is not Irish (people regularly ask him if he is), identifies as a “geek”, and really likes cider. He insists he is not a Soviet spy, and spends his spare time reading science fiction and fantasy novels so thick they could be used as blunt weapons. He also cannot confirm whether or not he is in the witness protection program, which concerns us ever so slightly.

His life goal is to memorise the lyrics to the song ‘Yakko’s World’ from the animated cartoon series ‘The Animaniacs’.

You can see Ilya hosting every Tuesday at the Bavarian Bier Cafe in Chatswood.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 9 July 2017

You may have said “if I had a dollar” at some point when talking about how often things happen.

This week we want you to incorporate that phrase into your team name.

If I had a dollar for every time someone said I have OCD, I would have $1,392.

If I had a dollar for every time I thought of you… I’d start thinking of you.

If Donald Trump had a dollar for every time he said something stupid… oh wait, he does.

If I had a dollar for every time someone called me immature, I’d build an extension on my bouncy castle house.

If I had a dollar for every time I got distracted… oh look, a puppy!

Anything like the above will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 8 July 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


This team won with an iQ Trivia record high 78 points.


You came up with a lot of new movie titles by adding the letter R.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stoner

The Beer Movie

Mad Marx

Pulp Friction

The Boner Collector

Pray it Forward

The Crying Gamer

Ice Rage

The Silencer of the Lambs


Planet of the Rapes

Beauty and the Breast

Fantastic Breasts and Where to Find Them


Feisty Hoe

Turgid Arachnophobe

Racist A

Hairy Airplane

Wallowing Dog

Dead Car


Answering that chocolate is black rather than brown.

Mixing up Apocalypse Now and Acropolis Now.

Finding out that a regular team was sufficiently inspired by a Brooklyn 99 question that the whole team binge watched the entire series.

The team who got a question on Indian food by buying a drink for an Indian patron.

Answering “whiskey” when whiskey is not on of the four options given.

Referring to Gary Oldman as “the British guy who was in that Dracula movie.”

Referring to Michael Caine as “the old guy from Miss Congeniality.”


See you next week for more iQ Trivia.