Monthly Archives: January 2019

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 13 January 2019

This week we want you to be snobs.

Specifically, we want your team name to be something you are a snob about.

If you use margarine instead of butter you are a filthy peasant.

You shouldn’t be allowed to vote if you can’t pass a test on civics.

Cask wine has no business being called wine.

If you can’t change a tire, don’t drive a car.

Everyone is a snob about something. Tell us what you’re a snob about for a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 12 January 2019

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


These four either knew a shocking amount about alpine skiing at the Olympics, or they got lucky. Either way, they won cash.


Films & TV series with an L added. Here’s what you came up with.

Harry Plotter

The LIT Crowd


James Blond: Dye Another Day

Lice Age

Magic Milke

Lace Ventura

American History XL

The XL Men

XL Men Apocalypse

Spongeblob Squareplants

Lever After

Flight Club

The Princess Bridle

Mary Ploppins


Sexy and the Clity


Funky Centrepoint Tower

Soggy Biscuit

Massive Tits

Princess Dragon Playing Polo

Simple Brick

Enchanting Pizza


These guys argued for 20 minutes about who was to blame for their tragic loss. The consensus was it was the guy on the right.

We asked a bonus question on a mathematical problem which required a fair amount of calculation, and one team got it within a couple of seconds, leading us to conclude that they are either a mathematical savant like in Rain Man, or they had heard this question somewhere before. (Or they were very lucky.)

One of our regulars who rarely plays but always enjoys listening to the questions, sold his expertise on Australian music from the 80’s to a team of Swedes who were all born in the 90s.

One team developed the tactic of saying wrong answers loud enough for neighbouring teams to hear… before calling out a correct answer… which nobody used. Not even them.

We were asked if Ron Weasley from the Harry Potter series counted as human.

And a visiting Harvard graduate got a question on Harvard wrong… and may never live it down.

See you next week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 6 January 2019

This week think about one of your favourite films or TV series.

Then add the letter L to it somewhere.

The Goldfather

The Shape of Walter

How I Melt Your Mother

Stephen King’s Lit

The Empire Strikes Black

Slaving Private Ryan

Doctor Strangle

Despicable Mel


Anything that adds the letter L to the title of a film or TV series will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Interesting Question of the Day – 4 January 2019

It has been about a year since same sex marriages began being conducted in Australia.

In the early stages of marriage equality, were there more same sex marriages among men or women?

Also, were same sex couples being married generally older or younger than opposite couples being married?

The first new player to comment on the website with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia show.