Interesting Question of the Day – 19 September 2018

Geographers have divided the world into two halves.  A land hemisphere (which has the maximum proportion of land possibe & contains 7/8ths of the earth’s land) and a water hemisphere (which has the maximum proportion of water possible & is 89% water).

In which country is the centre of the land hemisphere, and what country is closest to the centre of the water hemisphere?

The first new player to comment on the website with both correct answers wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia show.

5 thoughts on “Interesting Question of the Day – 19 September 2018

    1. You’re bang on with the water hemisphere, and you are remarkably close with the land hemisphere.

    2. Just caught up with this question.

      This would have been my answer, too. Yay! for the zoom-out function on google maps. 🙂

  1. @IQTrivia – If Spanish is close to the centre of the land sphere, then the answer must be France. 😛

    1. It is France. In Nantes near the Atlantic coast.

      It contains all of Europe, most of Africa, Asia, North America, and South America.

      And even still, there’s still more water than land with the Atlantic & Arctic & part of the Indian oceans.

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