6 thoughts on “Interesting Question of the Day – 4 November 2016

    1. Well there may have been a cow running through the streets, but it didn’t cause that scale of destruction.

      I will say we are dealing with stereotypes on this question.

  1. I read about this not long ago!
    A warehouse storing whiskey caught on fire. A stream of whiskey poured through the streets of Dublin.
    A total of 13 men died. None were burnt or were suffocated by the smoke, they all died through drinking too much whiskey, alcohol poisoning!

    I LOVE that story!

    1. A flood of burning whiskey. Yes, we were dealing with national stereotypes here.

      And yes, it wasn’t the flames, but the inevitable medical issues that follow drinking large quantities of whiskey that has been flowing through city streets complete with rubbish, manure, and other 19th century detritus.

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