Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 2 February 2020

So the Coronavirus is making people panic.

You just need to look at this warning from the “Bureau of Diseasology”.

And this week we want you to jump on the bandwagon with your team name.

Make it your bad advice on how to avoid the Coronavirus.

Alcohol kills it, so it can’t infect you if you’re drunk all the time.

My money is covered in bacteria, so I can’t in good conscience give it to you.

Coronavirus hasn’t been detected in Tahiti, so I’m going to have to work from there until further notice.

The more obviously fake & self serving, the better.

Have an interesting week.

2 thoughts on “Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 2 February 2020

  1. Wow – what the hell was that racist bullcrap? Is that actually going around?

    (Never mind that fortune cookies are American, not Chinese…)

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